Email Automation: 5 easy ways to get started

automation birthday email email email automation email marketing learn mailchimp order email welcome email Feb 10, 2023

Have you been thinking about setting up email automation for your business, but you are unsure where to begin? If so here are 5 easy ways to get started with email automation...


1. Welcome Email Automation: Set up a series of automated emails to welcome new subscribers and give them an introduction to your brand, products, and services.

2. Abandoned Cart Automation: If a customer adds items to their cart but doesn’t complete the purchase, you can send an automated email to remind them to complete the transaction.

3. Re-engagement Automation: If a subscriber hasn’t opened your emails in a while, you can send an automated email to try to re-engage them and keep them interested in your content.

4. Birthday or Anniversary Automation: If you have subscribers’ birthdays or anniversaries stored in your MailChimp database, you can send them an automated email to celebrate the special occasion.

5. Post-Purchase Follow-Up Automation: After someone makes a purchase from your online store, you can send an automated email to follow up and ask for feedback, offer support, and encourage them to share their experience with friends and family.

By automating these types of emails, you can save time and effort while ensuring that your subscribers receive timely, relevant, and personalized messages from your brand.

If you are thinking about automating your business or looking to improve the efficiency of your automation - then you may be interested in a one-hour review with me/ 

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