Mailchimp Consultant UK Increase Email Subscribers With A Landing Page

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Mailchimp Consultant UK - Learn Effective Landing Page Tips

You may have noticed within your MailChimp menu, that you can do more than just send emails. One of the options that many people don’t know about, is the website section for landing pages.

You may be thinking to yourself; “I already have a perfectly good website, why do I need a landing page”. But there are slight differences, and you will ideally need both.

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Learn Mailchimp Tips - Effective Lead Generation with CTA

A landing page is a stand-alone web page which is separate you’re your main website. It usually focuses on either a particular offer or product you are trying to sell, or a form in which you are trying use to get people to subscribe to your mailing list. Effectively, your call to action should be blatently obvious, remember to have your contact form above the fold and make it extremely clear of the benefits to send you a message. Frame your content less about you "I'm very experienced" versus identifying what the visitor is looking for.

Mailchimp Landing Page Call to Action (CTA) keywords include:

  • Begin your journey toward [goal]
  • Score a free [offer]
  • Sign up to our newsletter for [benefit 1, 2 and 3]
  • Take action today to benefit from [X, Y and Z]
  • Offer expires at the end of [month]
  • Buy today and claim your free [extra]

Lead generation landing pages such of these typically offer free resources such as pdfs, videos and audio files in exchange for an email address. Once someone has added their email address and clicked “submit”, then you can create automated customer journeys to relay information via email to the new subscriber.

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Did you like this CTA headline above? You probably enter your details in countless landing pages each week to receive free information such as guides or templates.

I personally have one just like this which enables people to sign up to a free version of my course. This enables me to add these subscribers to an email sequence and contact them with future campaigns and offers.

Product landing pages go straight for the kill and typically focus on trying to sell only one specific product. The page is entirely designed to only sell that one product, so it wouldn’t have other menu links or products on the page. When you design a Landing page, you will want to make sure you have only one goal in mind.

You can create your landing page through the same platform as your website, however, it is nice to have the free option to design it with MailChimp too.

Marketing Email Campaign Unique Landing Page

Landing pages are some of the most effective ways to drive sales or capture leads. You may want to point people to this landing page from your Google/Facebook ads or send them to this page from your social media bios instead of your website. The reason is that you do not want to give people too much choice when they are going onto your page.

We all now have such small attention spans that we can only really focus on one offer at once. If we have too many choices, we will dally and then will not take action. Landing pages are also extremely useful for tracking how well your adverts may be performing or how successful an offer or free offering will be. It is easy and quick to find out which of your landing pages are succeeding and which are flopping.

Your home page should never ever be your landing page.

Learn Beginner Mailchimp Landing Page Techniques

  1. They should make your offer easy to understand and easy to follow through. Ensure your message is clear, concise and effective and make sure that there is plenty of call to action buttons for your audience to click on. You want to make sure the process is as easy as possible. Ensure your page is free from distractions, such as menu items, additional offers and too much waffle.
  2. If you have a signup form, make sure that it is a short and sweet form. Only ask for a few bits of information such as email address and name. Now is not the time to do an in-depth interrogation of your potential customer.
  3. Make sure your landing page is the same branding as your website and other pages. Remember that I mentioned you would like this separate from your main website? It's essential toed to keep everything to a consistent brand.
  4. Be sure to include a thank you page when someone has completed your landing page form. This page will make people confident that their form submission has gone through and this also gives you a chance to then try and get the subscriber onto another landing page where you may want to try sell them something or book a call with them.
  5. Ensure that your page looks great on both desktop and mobile devices. Test, test and test again, just like you do with your email campaigns.
  6. Release yourself from spending too much time cross promoting your services. Do you find yourself short on time during the working week? Our previous blog post discusses how to learn to integrate useful apps to compliment your email marketing campaigns and to free up more of your time.

If you would like to build your landing page within MailChimp then click to watch my video below.

If you would like any additional help or would like to work on your own landing page design, lead generation strategy, free giveaway ideas or email follow-ups, then please feel free to book a session with me today.


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